Register now for our EFI-FPRN Webinar!

Our Forest Policy Research Network welcomes you to join a webinar to hear about our ongoing research across the Eastern and South Eastern Europe. This event is the first in the series where you get to meet all EFI Research Networks!

Join us on 10 June at 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CET to hear about the forest bioeconomy governance under climate change – Eastern and South Eastern European perspectives. During the webinar we will get to hear from three experts:

  • Jitka Janová, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. Motivations behind the decision-making about mixed forests in the Czech Republic
  • Zoran Poduška, Institute of Forestry, Belgrade, Serbia. Traditional intrapreneurial concept as a proxy in the new bio-economy business model for State-owned forest enterprises.
  • Mariana Melnykovych, University of Applied Sciences Bern, Switzerland. Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Multi-Actor Approach to Trigger Sustainable Forest Governance in Post-War Ukraine

 Register here:

Who are we?

Our Forest Policy Research Network was established in 2018 and its basis were the former activities with EFI’s Regional Office EFICEEC-EFISEE. Our network is coordinated by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna.

We have created a pan-European research network of EFI member organizations and other relevant institutions. As EFI Associates, our mission is to jointly implement scientific cooperation on forest policy and governance.


Our network produces new research and activities to create a better understanding of the post-2020 European policy framework in terms of forest-related questions. It builds bridges between western and eastern Europe with capacity building activities and contributes to a fluent dialogue with Forest Europe.

But what are EFI Research Networks?

EFI Research Networks include EFI member organizations and other relevant research partners. The networks aim to enhance European and/or regional cooperation and coordination of transnational research within EFI’s themes of Bioeconomy, Resilience and Governance. Coordinated by an EFI member organization, Research Networks maintain a permanent dialogue between EFI member organizations and EFI Programmes and Facilities.

Our current research networks are:

Forest Policy Research Network

Forest Bioeconomy Network

Climate Smart Forestry Network

Planted Forests Network (within IEFC)

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