Participate in our EUFORE Innovation Survey!

We are excited to invite everyone to participate in EUFORE’s Innovation Survey, designed to explore the innovation activities, challenges, and trends within the forestry and forest-based sector.

We have two tailored surveys, one for companies and another for other forest-related organizations:

  1. Innovation Survey for Companies: This survey targets small and large private companies, public enterprises, semi-public companies, industries, and private forest owners with company status.
  2. Innovation Survey for Organizations: This survey is for government/public entities, research institutions, societal and non-governmental organizations, networking organizations, associations, and private forest owners.

Your insights will help shape sustainable and transnational strategies, driving positive change and advancements in our sector. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete, and your participation is entirely voluntary. All responses will be treated confidentially and used for scientific purposes only.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ivana Zivojinovic from BOKU University (Vienna, Austria) at

More about EUFORE project you can find here

Thank you for contributing to this important research. Together, we can foster innovation in the forestry sector.

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