EFI-FPRN joins Initiative 2030

Initiative2030 – Live the goals! EFI-FPRN joins the initiative to promote the SDGs.

Back in 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted by all 193 member states at the UN General Assembly in N. Y. City. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out therein comprise social, ecological and economic goals to be implemented worldwide by 2030 for a sustainable transformation of our world!

The 17 SDGs and their 169 sub-goals create a new and comprehensive global understanding of the sustainable and responsible use of natural resources, the protection of nature and the environment, and an ethically solidarity-based development of society.

The responsibility for implementing the SDGs by 2030 at national and international level lies largely with the key stakeholders from business, industry and politics in the member states.

You can also join the initiative as well! Find out about the SDGs and the partner network here: https://www.initiative2030.eu/index

Note: text translated by DeepL translator directly from the initiative2030 website

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